Video. It’s everywhere and so is the likelihood of you needing to speak on camera. Fear not. You can look and sound good on camera. Here are 10 trade secrets to help bring out your inner video star.

1. Wear Solid Colors

Solid colors look best on camera. However, there are some exceptions. Avoid all white. White can mess with the camera’s white balance. Also stay away from bright red. And if you’ll be in front of a green screen, don’t wear green. You’ll look like a floating head on the screen.

Be careful with patterns. Stripes and busy designs can create a distortion effect that looks weird on camera. Another no-no: logos and sports emblems. Trade secret: Light blue works for everyone.

2. Plan Your Outfit

There are other wardrobe issues to keep in mind. Mainly when it comes to the fabric. Check in advance how it looks while you’re sitting or standing. Does it stay smooth or bunch up if you shift in your seat or get up? If it makes noise when you move, that creates audio problems. These things affect how you look and sound on camera.

3. Wear Makeup

Wearing makeup on camera makes a difference. You look better. Period.

Men often need translucent power to reduce shine on their faces. Trade secret: I tell women to wear more makeup than normal and bring it with them to the set. If there is no makeup artist on set, you can touch up your own makeup.  

4. Don’t Wing It

Being on camera is a lot less scary when you are prepared. Know your subject matter. If you’re being interviewed, ask in advance, what subjects will be covered.

5. Practice. Practice. Practice.

This is what I tell everyone who is new to being on camera. If you’re anxious about being on camera, practicing your message will help calm your nerves. The key word here is knowing your message; NOT memorizing lines. More people get in trouble by trying to memorize what they want to say instead of being clear on their message.

Trade secret: when practicing, speak out loud. Even you plan to use a teleprompter, practice out loud. Muscle memory here is a real thing and it works. I promise.

6. Keep It Conversational

Speak in a conversational tone. And breathe. It truly comes across to the viewer. You don’t want to come across as a robot.

7. Watch Your Posture

Sit up straight. You look more confident and professional. Leaning back says you don’t care.

8. Stay Still

Don’t sway from side to side or rock in your chair. Trade secret: plant your feet shoulder width apart to force yourself to stay still.

9. Expect Multiple Takes

Multiple takes are just how it is. Video professionals want the best from you so we’re going to ask you to do it again and again. And we’ll tell you what we want; there’s no guessing. It’s our job to achieve excellence for your video project.

10.  Don’t Stress about Mistakes

Mistakes happen. No apologies needed. Just move forward. Breathe and start again. Trade secret: Even professionals make mistakes.

It’s okay to be nervous. We know being on camera can be frightening. But you were chosen to be in the video for a reason. You’re the best person to share the information or tell the story. Now take a deep breath and smile for the camera. 

Stacy Lloyd has conducted thousands of interviews in the field and studio. And now with Lloyd Media Group, she brings that experience to you. Learn more about our video production services and how we can help.